Cookie Policy
Name | Beschreibung | Pfad | Domain | Anbieter | Läuft ab |
__cfduid |
The _cfduid cookie helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to our Customers’ websites and minimizes blocking legitimate users. |
/ |
Cloudflare |
1 Monat |
_ab |
Used in connection with access to admin. |
/ |
Shopify |
1 Tag |
_bc_c_set |
Used in connection with GDPR legal Cookie. Test 42! |
/ |
GDPR Legal Cookie |
2 Monate |
_secure_session_id |
Used in connection with navigation through a storefront. |
/ |
Shopify |
1 Monat |
_shopify_country |
Used in connection with checkout. |
/ |
Shopify |
1 Jahr |
_shopify_m |
Used for managing customer privacy settings. |
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Shopify |
1 Jahr |
_shopify_tm |
Used for managing customer privacy settings. |
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Shopify |
1 Jahr |
_shopify_tw |
Used for managing customer privacy settings. |
/ |
Shopify |
1 Jahr |
_storefront_u |
Used to facilitate updating customer account information. |
/ |
Shopify |
1 Jahr |
_tracking_consent |
For Shopify User Consent Tracking. |
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Shopify |
1 Jahr |
c |
Used in connection with shopping cart. |
/ |
Shopify |
1 Jahr |
cart |
Used in connection with shopping cart. |
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Shopify |
14 Tage |
cart_currency |
Used in connection with cart and checkout. |
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Shopify |
1 Jahr |
cart_sig |
Used in connection with cart and checkout. |
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Shopify |
14 Tage |
cart_ts |
Used in connection with cart and checkout. |
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Shopify |
14 Tage |
cart_ver |
Used in connection with cart and checkout. |
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Shopify |
14 Tage |
checkout |
Used in connection with cart and checkout. |
/ |
Shopify |
1 Monat |
checkout_session_lookup |
Used in connection with cart and checkout. |
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Shopify |
1 Monat |
checkout_session_token_<<id>> |
Used in connection with cart and checkout. |
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Shopify |
1 Monat |
checkout_token |
Used in connection with cart and checkout. |
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Shopify |
1 Jahr |
dynamic_checkout_shown_on_cart |
Used in connection with checkout. |
/ |
Shopify |
30 Minuten |
identity-state |
Used in connection with customer authentication |
/ |
Shopify |
1 Stunde |
identity-state-<<id>> |
Used in connection with customer authentication |
/ |
Shopify |
1 Stunde |
identity_customer_account_number |
Used in connection with customer authentication |
/ |
Shopify |
3 Monate |
keep_alive |
Used in connection with buyer localization. |
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Shopify |
14 Tage |
master_device_id |
Used in connection with merchant login. |
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Shopify |
2 Jahre |
previous_step |
Used in connection with checkout. |
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Shopify |
1 Jahr |
remember_me |
Used in connection with checkout. |
/ |
Shopify |
1 Jahr |
secure_customer_sig |
Used in connection with customer login. |
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Shopify |
1 Jahr |
shopify_pay |
Used in connection with checkout. |
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Shopify |
1 Jahr |
shopify_pay_redirect |
Used in connection with checkout. |
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Shopify |
1 Jahr |
source_name |
Used in combination with mobile apps to provide custom checkout behavior, when viewing a store from within a compatible mobile app. |
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Shopify |
Sitzung |
storefront_digest |
Used in connection with customer login. |
/ |
Shopify |
1 Jahr |
Name | Beschreibung | Pfad | Domain | Anbieter | Läuft ab |
_landing_page |
Track landing pages. |
/ |
Shopify |
14 Tage |
_orig_referrer |
Used in connection with shopping cart. |
/ |
Shopify |
14 Tage |
_shopify_d |
Shopify analytics. |
/ |
Shopify |
14 Tage |
_shopify_evids |
Shopify analytics. |
/ |
Shopify |
Sitzung |
_shopify_fs |
Shopify analytics. |
/ |
Shopify |
14 Tage |
_shopify_ga |
Shopify and Google Analytics. |
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Shopify |
Sitzung |
_shopify_s |
Shopify analytics. |
/ |
Shopify |
30 Minuten |
_shopify_sa_p |
Shopify analytics relating to marketing & referrals. |
/ |
Shopify |
30 Minuten |
_shopify_sa_t |
Shopify analytics relating to marketing & referrals. |
/ |
Shopify |
30 Minuten |
_shopify_y |
Shopify analytics. |
/ |
Shopify |
1 Jahr |
_y |
Shopify analytics. |
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Shopify |
1 Jahr |
customer_auth_provider |
Shopify Analytics. |
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Shopify |
Sitzung |
customer_auth_session_created_at |
Shopify Analytics. |
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Shopify |
Sitzung |
tracked_start_checkout |
Shopify analytics relating to checkout. |
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Shopify |
30 Minuten |